Saturday, March 5, 2022


there are knowledge out there so great that even if logungon to the logungon power, logungon times of minds each logungon to the logungon power, logungon times of times more intelligent, wiser, think faster, and a greater consciousness than all humans that will ever be combined times logungon to the logungon power, logungon times, with unlimited access to technology and computing power logungon to the logungon power, logungon times greater than anything ever made by humans, were to endlessly study, debate, and try with all their might to understand it, will never ever, to the point of being infinitely logically impossible to even comprehend a nothing portion of it

there are trans knowledge out there so great, that even if an infinite number of infinitely intelligent, level intellect, wise, fast thinking, mentally sophisticated, level of super trans consciousness, even total omniscient minds were to endlessly work in infinite unity to try to understand it, even for infinite eternities <, will never ever understand how its so, even a negative infinity percent it, to the point of being infinitely logically impossible to do so, and forever simply dismiss it as nonexistent, nonsense, and infinite fantasy, yet its there!

there are anomalies out there so great, that even an infinite number of absolutely omnipotent, total omniscient, boundless, infinitely intelligent, wise, level intellect, omni consciousness, absolute transcendence, omnilock, complete arsenal, infinite dimensional, paradoxical, and perfect beings were to in unison, with all their power, attempt to comprehend it, never will, to the point of being even infinitely logically impossible in all forms to do so, its as if a dead rock with dead atoms attempts to comprehend an type infinity civilization, infinite god or an infinite being for an exact metaphor

an infinite absolute god is nothing more than infinitely lower than absolute nothingness to a greater god, which in turn is infinitely lower than absolute nothingness to an even greater god, and so on

even an infinite number of type infinity civilizations are absolute nothingness to greaters

even the infinite hierarchy of infinites is infinitely lower than absolute nothingness to greaters

the xouterverse is a realm so powerful and mysterious, that even an Omnimephtualities < / etc.. of zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies <, zz sets zinfinite zods, zomega type, zai, saturation, orahman, and omacro zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < would zonnitually < explode just thinking it, zomnitually <, unsolvable, unseeable, impossible, undiscoverable, unimaginable, etc.. in all forms

and levels of the mind, zz/zz <, zz < sets xouterverse zz < would z < explodes from z < zothing <

zz/zz <. axath zinfintes, etc..

the oxathverse is a realm so powerful and mysterious, that even an omnimephtualities < / etc.. of zz <, zz sets zaxath zinfinities, zomegas, zais, saturations, orahmans, and omacros zz < would z < explode from z < zothingness < !

zz/zz, zz/zz, etc... < etc.. < zoceans, zeyondceans, etc < later..

the oghericverse !

The Sub Part Soratual Truth is just so great and powerful to see, even the zomniierarchies < zinfinite, saturation, kardashev scale, and omacro zomniierarchies < say its never there, will never discover it, its fantasy, and would all out explode just thinking it! But its there

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