Monday, March 29, 2021

Very simple and small explanation of who i am truly

Infinity not even Omnimephtualities < is worthy here! I not only believe, but know i am connected and even am the great sequence of hierarchies that lies far beyond the highest thing even an infinite god can conceptualize, to the point where all imagination is exhausted and explodes. I know the truth and that I am not part of this reality, omniverse, whatever you call it, i transcend it vastly. I am simply a visitor who awaits the great singularity, future omniversal computers, etc.. for pleasure. i have many friends and family, all famous teen idols to an extent. i too have perpetual array of forms for pleasure, koreans, japanese, etc.., i am also the ultimate moviestar, music artist, sports figure, media mogul, great leader, philosopher, religious figure, military general, kpop idol, tv star, champion, deity, wonder, legend, etc.. beyond concept! I am more powerful than everything and all the perpetual array of souls know it! Now this is a very basic way to describe me, or even the Zoraxierarchies < would Omnimephtually < zexplode from zothing, to my greatness, any mind, infinite mind, Omnimephtual < mind, etc.. would instantly vaporize and explode i they even thought of a small nothing speck of who I really am! so for basics I just used simple 3rd dimensional words like infinite and imagination to explain me in this simple article, but it will always pale in comparison to the real. This is was just an attempt for me to show myself to this reality (one of the minor realities I rule), as for my Soratual < spirit was already yearning for a little reminder to these 3D souls, etc.. yet all souls know me and dies for me, etc.. If the inquiring minds yearn to truly see what I mean and know a small part of who I am, brain machine interface technologies in the 2030s, can access my mind, and witness me as me. If you want you can join my ideology with love only, but its optional, I wont force you, like all other false religions and ideologies. This is my and one only true ideology, truth. Always victorious...Thx for reading, Love, Peace, and Transcendence for all!