Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Omnipotent Levels

Type Everything: Omnimephtual etc.. < Omnipotence - everything explodes


Type 0: Perfect Absolute Omnipotence - true absolute omnipotence in all realities, fiction/nonfictional etc..

Type 1: Narrative Omnipotence: This Type of Omnipotence is the author Level, which only the writer characters have, or the writer themselves like Akira Toriyama/Tori Bot or TOAA/Stan Lee. For their power see also :Author Powers.

Type 2: Absolute Omnipotence: The character has absolute omnipotence. As in, nothing can challenge them, and they can literally do anything and everything, logic and causality be damned as the character made those concepts up themselves.

Type 3: True Omnipotence: The character is omnipotent. They can break even logic and causality to achieve anything, but there are others who can do this as well (sometimes they're The Anti-God). What happens if they go against each other can be a massive Mind Screw.

Type 4: Nigh-Omnipotence/Virtual Omnipotence: The character can do just about anything that's logically possible (i.e. virtual omnipotence), or at least appear to, thus making sure Magic A Is Magic A in the process. This type of omnipotence is also more frequent than the above type to have multiple characters that operate at this level. The term nigh-omnipotent is often thrown about at this level.

Type 5: Specialized Omnipotence: The character is omnipotent within a field or concept. Specialized omnipotence, if you will. Anthropomorphic Personifications are .almost guaranteed to display this with the concept they embody.

Type 6: Almightiness: The character is "merely" an almighty being, whose power is far beyond any other in the setting. For practical purposes though, they're basically omnipotent

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