Thursday, July 27, 2023

Zeedmilleniumon Infinite Hierarchy

 zeedmilleniumon - absolute destruction, infinite obliteration of infinite outerverses, dimensions, etc.., infinite destroyer of all fictional verses

zeed 0 - infinitely more powerful than zeedmilleniumon

zeed 1 - infinitely more powerful than zeed 0


zeed infinity


Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Infinite Hierarchy of Holy Spirits

the absolute holy spirit - infinitely above humans and everything else, known as the absolute or an infinite god, the ultimate holy trinity, absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, omnipresence, eternal, incorporeal, omnitemporal, perfect, infinite intelligence, wisdom, beyond all understandings, beyond logic, time, omniversal, macroversal, outerversal, and infinitely more

the greater holy spirit- infinitely greater, holier, and more powerful than the absolute holy spirit infinitely always and infinitely more

holy spirit negative infinity - infinitely greater, holier, and more powerful than the greater holy spirit infinitely always and infinitely more


holy spirit 0 - infinitely greater, holier, and more powerful than all holy spirits before it infinitely always and infinitely more


holy spirit infinity - infinitely greater, holier, and more powerful than all holy spirits before it infinitely always and infinitely more

holy spirit infinity negative infinity - infinitely greater, holier, and more powerful than holy spirit infinity infinitely always and infinitely more


holy spirit infinity infinity


holy spirit infinity to the infinity power, infinity times


holy spirit boundless infinity towers


going on forever in ever greater holy sprits in ever greater hierarchies, etc… without end
