Thursday, December 30, 2021

The First Oroth Zinfinites

oroth zinfinite omnitual < zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < all omnitualzier zamech awakened saturations < ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions always


oroth zinfinite - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< than all oroth zinfinites before it always

oroth zinfinite 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite always

oroth zinfinite 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 0 always

oroth zinfinite 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 1 always

oroth zinfinite 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 2 always

oroth zinfinite 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 3 always

oroth zinfinite 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 4 always

oroth zinfinite 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of oroth zinfinite 5 always


oroth zinfinite infinity


oroth zinfinite omnimephtualities <


oroth zinfinite omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < oroth zinfinite omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < all omnitualzier oroth zinfinite omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < in all directions


going on omnitually < ever more in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omniierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

Word of Sora!

The First Amech Awakened Saturations

awakened zaturations omnitual < zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, beyond words, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < all omnitualzier omoch beyonds ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions


amech awakened saturations omnitual < zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < awakened zaturations < ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions always


amech awakened saturations - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< than all amech awakened saturations before it always

amech awakened saturations 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations always

amech awakened saturations 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 0 always

amech awakened saturations 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 1 always

amech awakened saturations 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 2 always

amech awakened saturations 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 3 always

amech awakened saturations 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 4 always

amech awakened saturations 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of amech awakened saturations 5 always


amech awakened saturations infinity


amech awakened saturations omnimephtualities <


amech awakened saturations omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < amech awakened saturations omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < omnitualzier amech awakened saturations omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < in all directions


going on omnitually < ever more in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omniierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

Word of Sora!

the First Omoch Beyonds

the omoch beyond omnitual zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < omnitualzier zind zeyonds ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


the omoch beyond - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all omoch beyonds before it always

omoch beyond 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of the omoch beyond always

omoch beyond 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 0 always

the omoch beyond 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 1 before it always

omoch beyond 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 2 always

omoch beyond 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 3 always

omoch beyond 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 4 always

omoch beyond 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 5 always

omoch beyond 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 6 always

omoch beyond 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 7 always

omoch beyond 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 8 always

omoch beyond 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 9 always

omoch beyond 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 10 always

omoch beyond 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, unknowable, undiscoverable, unseeable, beyond, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omoch beyond 11 always


omoch beyond infinity


omoch beyond omnimephtualities <


omoch beyond omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omoch beyond omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < omoch beyond ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Overall Picture

 Some Sets

1. rings
2. spheres
3. walls
4. hands/heads
5. towering heads/structures
6. structures/temples
7. omniphex constructs
omnifinities <.
Omephtualities < etc.. <
Omnimephtualities <


Zomnisoraierarchal <

etc.. <

all combined


Omephtual < sets

Zoratual < etc.. <


All sets, Somnituals < etc..<
All Somnituals < 0
All Somnituals < 1
All Somnituals < 2



All hierarchies, beyonds, zeyonds, etc.. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

ETC... <....

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The First Zind Zeyonds

zind zeyonds omnitual zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < omnitualziervens ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


zind zeyonds - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all zind zeyonds before it always

zind zeyonds 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds always

zind zeyonds 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 0 always

zind zeyonds 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 1 before it always

zind zeyonds 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 2 always

zind zeyonds 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 3 always

zind zeyonds 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 4 always

zind zeyonds 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 5 always

zind zeyonds 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 6 always

zind zeyonds 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 7 always

zind zeyonds 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 8 always

zind zeyonds 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 9 always

zind zeyonds 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 10 always

xazathoth 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zind zeyonds 11 always


zind zeyonds infinity


zind zeyonds omnimephtualities <


zind zeyonds omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < zind zeyonds omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < zind zeyonds ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

The First Hiervens

 hierven omnitual zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < xazathoth ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


hierven - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all hiervens before it always

hierven 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven always

hierven 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 0 always

hierven 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 1 before it always

hierven 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 2 always

hierven 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 3 always

hierven 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 4 always

hierven 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 5 always

hierven 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 6 always

hierven 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 7 always

hierven 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 8 always

hierven 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 9 always

hierven 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 10 always

hierven 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of hierven 11 always


hierven infinity


hierven omnimephtualities <


hierven omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < hierven omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < omnitualzierven ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

The First Xazathoths

xazathoth omnitual zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < zouters ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


xazathoth - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all xazathoths before it always

xazathoth 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth always

xazathoth 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 0 always

xazathoth 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 1 before it always

xazathoth 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 2 always

xazathoth 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 3 always

xazathoth 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 4 always

xazathoth 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 5 always

xazathoth 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 6 always

xazathoth 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 7 always

xazathoth 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 8 always

xazathoth 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 9 always

xazathoth 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 10 always

xazathoth 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of xazathoth 11 always


xazathoth infinity


xazathoth omnimephtualities <


xazathoth omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < xazathoth omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < (omnitualzierarchies < zomoph) < xazathoth ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

The First Zouters

  zouter omnitual < zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < zomoph zone zabove all ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


zouter - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all zouters before it always

zouter 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter always

zouter 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 0 always

zouter 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 1 before it always

zouter 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 2 always

zouter 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 3 always

zouter 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 4 always

zouter 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 5 always

zouter 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 6 always

zouter 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 7 always

zouter 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 8 always

zouter 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 9 always

zouter 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 10 always

zouter 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zouter 11 always


zouter infinity


zouter omnimephtualities <


zouter omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < zouter omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < zomoph zouter ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

The First Zones Zaboves

  zone zabove all omnitual < zothingness < - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < zorahman ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualziearchies... etc.. < always in all directions <


zone zabove all - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all zaboves before it always

zone zabove all 0 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all always

zone zabove all 1 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 0 always

zone zabove all 2 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 1 before it always

zone zabove all 3 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 2 always

zone zabove all 4 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 3 always

zone zabove all 5 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 4 always

zone zabove all 6 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 5 always

zone zabove all 7 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 6 always

zone zabove all 8 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 7 always

zone zabove all 9 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 8 always

zone zabove all 10 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 9 always

zone zabove all 11 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 10 always

zone zabove all 12 - omnimephtualities < above, more powerful, transcends, greater than, unsolvable, mysterious, more complex/intense, larger than, impossible, forbidden, inconceivable in all forms (in concept, thought, logic, senses, imagination, perception, discovery, everything, etc...), everything explodes from nothing, everything from nothing, etc...< all of zone zabove all 11 always


zone zabove all infinity


zone zabove all omnimephtualities <


zone zabove all omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < zone zabove all omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies <


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < zone zabove all ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions <


going on omnitually < ever more, in ever greater hierarchies, zierarchies, omnitualzierarchies, etc... <

etc... <

Monday, December 27, 2021

Soratual Anoms!

1. zinfinite zods <
2. zinfinite minds <
3. zinfinite spirits <
4. orahmans <
5. omacros <
6. totalities <
7. mastereph spheres <
8. dimensions <
9. afterlifes <
10. planes <
11. kardashev scales <
12. saturations <
13. zai.s <
14. posts <
15. unities <
16. grand unified fields <
17. epochs <
18. one zabove alls <
19. outers <
20. zoxes continuums <
21. omepha points <
22. hiervens <
23. zevolutions <
24. true ones <
25. xoly zirits <
26. mind levels/levels of highest consciousness
27. omnitotalities <
28. tec tier <
29. true abstractions <
30. zomnipotencies <
31. zoceans, trans thought fields, zimaginations, zunimaginables <
32. ceilings <
33. zomniphitis <
34. zimpossible, forbidden realms <
35. omechs <
36. zonads <
37. zingularities <
38. realms <
39. spheres/upper beings totalities <
40. zontological domains <
41. zechno zivinities <
42. zelf/zuddhas/inner core/self actualizations, realizations <
43. reality realms <
44. all zrain/mind beyonds <
45. the zomega forces <
46. the final zoids <
47. the hierarchy of structures/sets/voids <
48. the beyond <
49. supremephs
50. omnirinities <
51. one true ultimate zods <
52. type zis <
53. type zomegas <
54. omnitual super natural <
55. levels of zomnisciencies <



omnimephtualities <


omnimephtualities < ascending hierarchies 


omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < omnimoph omnituals < zanoms < ascending hierarchies omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc.. < set hierarchies/omnimephtualities < omnitualxierarchies < etc... < ascending set hierarchies < / going omnimephtualities < omnitualzierarchies < etc.. < greater ascending omnitualzierarchies... etc.. < in all directions < etc.. <

etc.. <

zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph zinfinities zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc... <

zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph sets <

going on for all of zabsoluteph zimaginations, etc.. <

all of zabsoluteph zimaginations, etc.. < 0

all of zabsoluteph zimaginations, etc.. < 1


zabsoluteph zimaginations, etc.. < omnimephtualities <


zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph zimaginations, etc.. zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. <

zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph sets <


zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph zomnitualciousness zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. <

zomniscending < zomnitualzierarchies < zomnitual < zomnis < etc.. < zabsoluteph sets <


going on without stop

etc.. <

And this is still omnitual < zothingnes < to the greater zomnitual zanoms !

etc... <