Little do we 3rd dimensional creature know, there is an endless plethora of endless plethoras of -verses, dimensions, afterlifes, gods, totalities, civilization types etc.. beyond what we humans find the highest, theres always something larger than the largest. These type of things can only be seen by transcendent minds and faith beyond he highest of faiths.
Hierarchy of the -verses (Note: Omni infinite = all infinities and everything beyond absolutely, sum of Omni and everything imaginable, unimaginable, and all beyond)
0. universe (the universe contains not infinite, but Omni infinite number of galaxies)
1. multiverse (contains an Omni infinite number of different universes, each with different laws of physics, etc.. which in turn, each universe contains both an Omni infinite number of themselves and Omni infinite number of parallel selves)
2. metaverse (contains an Omni infinite number of multiverses)
3. xenoverse (conatains an Omni infinite number of metaverses, and an Omni infinite number of other ever excessive creations, and all alien elements that govern them, going in all directions)
4. hyperverse (contains an Omni infinite number of xenoverses and hyper realities, realities unimaginable to our reality)
infinite. Infinityverse
Omni infinite and all beyond. Omniverse
New Set or Second Set
1. Super omniverse (Omni infinite number of omniverses)
Omni infinite and all beyond. Macroverse
3rd Set
1. Godverse
2. Alphaverse
3. omegaverse (perfect sum of 1st set of -verses)
all omegaverses
Note: This will continue going on forever, for there's never an end to the hierarchy of the -verses
The endless totality of totalities
1. all-verses
2. all-zerses
3. all-ferses
etc... like before this will go on forever, encompassing all that's imaginable and all beyond
hierarchy of the civilizations
type 1
type Omni infinite
hierarchy of gods
1. omnipotence (Omni infinite power)
2. omnipotence 1 (Omni infinite times more powerful than omnipotence)
3. omnipotence 2 (Omni infinite times more powerful than omnipotence 1)
omnipotence Omni infinite
etc.. goes on for Omni infinite eternities, etc.. no absolute end